Colworth Str1ders


Cambridge Boundary Run – 4 March 2012

Andy Hoddle5:04:25138
In one day it rained more than the whole of the two previous months. It was my first run in proper rain in 5 years, although not by design. I have set out in rain many times, but it has always stopped within 10 minutes. And frequently it has started raining on my way to the car after a 5hr run. Anyway, this one rained constantly, except when it sleeted, hailed or snowed. The mud was as bad as last year's run (see last year's report), but trail shoes (Adidas Kanadia TR3) coped wonderfully, giving traction in slippy mud, and shedding the sticky mud. There are still stiles, gates etc to hinder the run, but the route was marked well and the marshalling was great.
Thoroughly recommended event. There were three finishers under 3hrs, so not a quick one. My time 5:04:25. 138th place for my lowest finish position of the year, but out of 151, so not too shabby.


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