Colworth Str1ders


Pathfinder – 27 August 2012

Andy Hoddle05:43:21

A local (start near Huntingdon), cheap (£4), easy? (No - don’t be a plonker, no marathon is easy – but it was relatively flat) marathon.
Route was by written instructions, very easy, if time-consuming, to follow. Underfoot was good to firm, roads (25%); track  (40%); field (10%); footpath (25%).
Entrants for 42k run were ~60, mostly 100marathon club regulars. Control points (water stops) were reasonable except for distance between 3rd and 4th. Recommendation: make sure you have plenty of fluids with you after 3rd stop. Weather was reasonably kind, with a few spots of rain, however, the fields all around the route were being harvested and the clouds of dust and plant fragments made visibility and breathing very difficult at times. Especially as every field being cropped seemed to be upwind. I estimate around 25 fields were harvested whilst we were alongside them. Unfortunate coincidence or some b*st*rd farmer who hates marathon runners, following us around? You decide. In-between dust-clouds, scenery was disappointingly non-spectacular.
My time: 05:43:21
Event recommended for location and price.


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