Colworth Str1ders


Rutland Marathon – 4 November 2012

Andy Hoddle4:45:35
This event takes place around Rutland Water, being one full lap of the outer perimeter, incorporating two laps around the peninsular. Signage was good - for directions, but distance was every 3 miles. Marshalls were cheery. The terrain is undulating (eg like the Colworth 5 route) rather than hilly, but there is a significant downward bit at 23miles. On a nice day, this would give spectacular views. On this year, the persistent cold rain which lasted from start to finish made the view anything but spectacular. Underfoot was mostly tarmac paths, with a bit of trail (hard rocky surface) on the peninsular. There was less than 100m in total of softer mud/grass. Some of the course was flooded, especially at 20miles, and this section was flooded side to side, unavoidable, and 20cm deep, so wet feet for the last 6miles. Water stations were reasonable spaced, some had gels, all had water (last year the water ran out on the 18mile station). Chip timing was provided, essential with a 15 minute walk from car park to start-line, some people would have missed the gun, especially with the queue for the car park ticket machine. Yes, on top of the £35 entry, you had to pay £3 for the car park. The complaints about the cotton T-shirt last year resulted in change this year. We all got a medium??? technical vest??? advertising Fatfeet, no mention of Rutland Marathon??? in the goody bag (like WTF? Mines already in the charity recycling bag). Did I mention the lack of toilets at the start, after the 15minute walk from the car park. Lets face it, the whole world is a urinal for men, but for women, not so good (there were some anglers portaloos around the course, but no thanks to Fatfeet for organizing them)…. 
In summary bloody expensive for a relatively poor event. Definitely not recommended, unless you want Rutland as a county.
My result: 4:45:35, just 26 seconds short of a PB and 20 seconds longer than Great Yarmouth two weeks earlier.


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